New! ECR Support Schemes Launched

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research and the Thinking Through Things collective have launched two new schemes to provide financial support for Early Career Researchers in medical humanities.

We have the support of the Wellcome Trust in redirecting existing funds earmarked for workshops, events and pilot projects towards schemes which provide direct financial support to precariously employed ECRs, enabling them to complete existing projects or publications, or to plan for new ones.

To find out more about what is offered, who is eligible, and how to apply, please visit:

The NNMHR ECR Fellowship Scheme

The Thinking Through Things ECR Project Support Scheme

The schemes will be assessed independently of each other, and applicants are welcome to apply to both schemes if eligibility criteria are met. The deadline for submissions is noon on March 1 2021.

Posted on 01 Feb 2021, under News.