Save the Date: NNMHR Congress April 19-21st 2023
Following the success of our 2021 Congress, we are delighted to announce the dates of the NNMHR Annual Congress 2023: Wednesday 19th April to Friday 21st April 2023.
We have decided to make the 2023 Congress another online-focused event. Back in 2021, being online meant that 1311 people from across the globe (Europe, USA, South Africa, the Middle East, India, and Australasia) engaged and participated in the Congress. We want to achieve a similar global reach and foster new collaborative possibilities.
The 2023 Congress coincides with the 10-year anniversary of a symposium held at Durham University in 2013 which marked the start of the ‘critical’ turn of medical humanities. Its theme will address this, as well as take stock of the here and now.
More details will be announced shortly, such as a Congress website, announcement of our conference theme, and a call for papers and panels. So get those pencils sharpened, because we would like you to be involved!