
Title of project:



Name and institution of principle investigators:

Rachael Allen, visual artist and researcher

Dr Iain Keenan, Newcastle University


Names and institutions of co-investigators/ collaborators:


Funding sources:

Newcastle Institute of Creative Arts Practice Award 2014


Summary of research:

Funded by Newcastle Institute of Creative Arts Practice Award 2014 as part of the transdisciplinary project ‘Student partner approaches for strategic design and evaluation of artistic modelling as a teaching and learning method in anatomy education’, Artatomy hosted two exhibitions at the University’s Students Union and International Centre for Life in collaboration with Dr Iain Keenan, Rachael Allen (visual artist and researcher) and undergraduate medical students. Artatomy brings the art of anatomy as explored by Newcastle undergraduate medical and biomedical students and focuses on learning and reflection through creativity, expression and imagination, where the students were invited to engage with the broader aesthetics, ethics and sensorial experience of anatomy.

“Giving them the chance to explore their creative side on their own terms, Artatomy has helped them re-connect with the process of drawing that they may not be using much in their studies or in their day to day life – and in some cases haven’t used since they were at school. The artwork they’ve produced is rich in imagination, skill and expression, and is indicative of the true potential and value of art when students are given the choice to explore and participate.” (Rachael Allen)
Project website/webpage:


Anticipated time frame of project:



Anticipated audiences:

Medical educators, medical students, artists


Tagged as: 

Anatomy, medical education, visual arts 


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Posted on 22 Jul 2015, under Projects.