Free producer training (NNMHR Congress-related opportunity)

An exciting opportunity to get free producer training for online events!

The fifth annual congress of the Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research (NNMHR), CRITICAL will be running from 19-21 April 2023.

Like the previous NNMHR congress in 2021—attended by over 1,300 delegates from across the globe—the 2023 congress will be entirely online, with the explicit aim of encouraging international participation and remaining accessible and inclusive of those who might find attending in person difficult for health, financial, caring or geographical reasons. To ensure that the Congress runs as smoothly as possible for both presenters and participants, all sessions will be supported by an online producer.

We are recruiting a team of 20 online producers for the Congress and will provide online producer training on March 8 (10-12:30).

Run by facilitator Orla Cronin and taking place via Zoom, this 2.5 hour session will focus on the role of a producer in delivering successful virtual events. By the end of the training, attendees will have:

  • Developed a repertoire of basic troubleshooting tips and practices, including optimising screen sharing, renaming, and working with participants to solve audio problems.
  • Practiced and discussed breakout rooms from a participant and producer point of view, and finessed the way in which you set them up and manage them.
  • Practiced dealing with (role-played) security challenges.
  • Experienced several engagement activities using ‘excursions’ to different software and using in-Zoom tools.

Please note, this training is free and will provide an invaluable set of tools for participants from all fields and career stages. In exchange (and as a good way of practising these new skills in a supported team , we ask that participants act as producers for a minimum of two panels during CRITICAL.

To register for the training, please follow the link below:

The deadline for submissions is March 1 and applicants will be notified of the result no later than March 3.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,

The NNMHR Congress team

What is a producer? Is this for me?

An effective producer (backroom facilitator, co-facilitator) will troubleshoot, make activities and breakout rooms happen smoothly, and ensure that outputs (recordings, documents) are available at the end of an event.

You may already be performing the role of producer, you may deeply appreciate the value of it but not tried it out yet, or, like many who come to Orla’s virtual facilitation courses, you’re not sure where to start in developing producing skills in yourself and others.

This session will enable you to build your confidence, polish your skills, and explore what can go wrong and how to either fix it or minimise the disruption. We will focus on Zoom but also consider more general implications for producing on other platforms.

Posted on 27 Feb 2023, under News.