CMH New Generations
Title of project:
Centre for Medical Humanities New Generations
Name and institution of principle investigators:
Professor Jane Macnaughton, Durham University
Names and institutions of co investigators/collaborators:
Northern Network Steering Group:
Dr Bethan Evans, University of Liverpool
Dr Alice Hall, University of York
Dr Gavin Miller, University of Glasgow
Professor Stuart Murray, University of Leeds
Professor Ian Sabroe, University of Sheffield
Dr Anne Whitehead, Newcastle University
Dr Angela Woods, Newcastle University
Kings College Centre for Humanities and Health
Colleagues at the Wellcome Trust
Funding sources:
Summary of research:
Durham University’s Centre for Medical Humanities, in collaboration with the Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research and the Wellcome Trust has set up the New Generations Programme to address an issue surfacing in the medical humanities. Emerging humanities researchers are increasingly engaging with interdisciplinary research but lack contexts in which to learn about and experience how it is done. Supported by a Collaborative Skills Development grant from the AHRC, this unique programme aims to deliver an exciting and innovative skills development package to a group of doctoral students and early career researchers in the medical humanities while facilitating the development of a supportive, interdisciplinary peer group. Additionally, the programme will create career development opportunities by enabling interaction between participants and staff in key centres of the medical humanities while engaging in discussions on the full range of medical humanities career options.
Project website/webpage:
Anticipated time frame of project:
August 2014 – September 2015
Anticipated audiences:
Medical humanities researchers, medical humanities academics
Tagged as:
medical humanities, interdisciplinary research, skills development, career development, early career researchers, doctoral students
Interested in hearing from:
Medical humanities institutions and centres