3rd NNMHR Congress, University of Sheffield, 23rd-24th January 2020

Experience, Medicine and Marginalisation: 3rd Congress of the Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research, University of Sheffield, 23-24 January 2020

The third NNMHR Congress will be held at the University of Sheffield in January 2020. The logic of the Congress is simple: it is an opportunity for people who are passionate or even simply curious about medical humanities research to share ideas, and meet potential future colleagues and collaborators.

The Congress is not limited to members of the network.

Our confirmed Keynote speakers are:

Professor Havi Carel, Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol.

Dr Kirsty Liddiard, School of Education and iHuman, University of Sheffield.

Professor Ankhi Mukherjee, Faculty of English, Wadham College, University of Oxford.

The themes of the conference are ‘Experience, Medicine and Marginalisation’. We have about 60 speakers in parallel sessions addressing the conference theme, in what promises to be a great conference.

There is no conference fee.

If you would like to attend the conference, please email the conference secretary, Jean Lazenby () to let us know.

Places are limited: please email ASAP – we will update people who enquire as soon as possible regarding how many we can fit in. 

There’s a conference dinner too (a conference curry), and inexpensive hotel accommodation is available.

Posted on 19 Nov 2019, under News.