Seed Scheme Round 3 – applications invited

The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research has been awarded a generous Small Grant* from the Wellcome Trust to enable us to continue supporting innovative and critical medical humanities research across the network.

We are delighted to announce that the third round of the NNMHR Seed Scheme is now open.

Applications are invited from researchers at any of the ten participating institutions (Durham, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sheffield and York) for up to £1200 to support initiatives oriented towards the development of further large-scale medical humanities research projects. Funds can be used to pump-prime new research; organise workshops, meetings and seminars; visit archives or other research sites; undertake stakeholder engagement and consultation; and pilot new research methods or ideas.

To apply, please download and complete the 2019-NNMHR-Seed-Scheme-Application-Form, ensure that your PI is a staff member or a postgraduate researcher based in one of the NNMHR institutions, and email your application to Jane Abel by 5pm Monday 14 October 2019.

* The grant was awarded to Angela Woods (PI, Durham) and Stuart Murray (Co-I, Leeds), with collaborators from all ten NNMHR institutions

Posted on 06 Sep 2019, under News.