16 January 2015 – Newcastle University

Friday 16th January 2015 – 10.30 – 5

The Armstrong Building, Newcastle University, Room 1.06. The Armstrong Building is number 22 on the campus map.

Registration Open: Please email


The next in the series of NNMHR workshops will take place in Newcastle and will be a joint session between the universities of Newcastle and Northumbria. The day will run from 10.30 till 5 and will include lunch and coffee breaks. Below is a preliminary schedule for the day.

As you see, this session will include an open forum for postgraduate/early career research that is currently in progress, and PG/ECR members of the network are warmly invited to submit proposals for 10 minute provocation papers for this part of the day. If you would like to share some of your research at this forum, please email with a brief proposal.


Confirmed Schedule:

Arrival and coffee: 10.30-11

Workshop 1: 11-12.15 – Mind, body, affect:  Medical Humanities and Voice
To include presentations by Professor Jennifer Richards, Sue Bradley, Dr Helen Limon, Dr Ruth Graham

Lunch: 12.15-1

Workshop 2: 1-2.15 – Communities of interest: Fashionable Diseases
To include contributions by Professor Jonathan Andrews, Dr James Kennaway, Professor Clark Lawlor, Professor Allan Ingram

Coffee break: 2.15-2.30

Workshop 3: 2.30-3.45 – Critical Medical Humanities: Health, Care, Citizenship
To include presentations by Dr Shahaduz Zaman, Dr Samiksha Sehrawat, Professor Janice Maclaughlan, Dr Anne Whitehead

3.45-5pm – Plenary: Open Forum for research in progress by PGR/ECR researchers across the NNMHR network.

Chaired by Dr Luna Dolezal, and to include presentations by Rachael Allen, Rebecca Bitenc, Jamie Stark, and Northumberland Archives, Woodhorn.




Registration is free, but places may be limited. Please email to secure a place. There will be a number of postgraduate travel bursaries for any postgraduate students wishing to either present at the forum, or to attend the event – you can apply for one of these at the point of registration.



Posted on 06 Dec 2014, under News.